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Modules and Courses
One of the remarkable features of LearnBangla is its modules and courses which facilitate the learner to adopting the language within very short period. Our modules and courses are based on phonetics and script method. Basically, phonetics method assists those who are interested to develop their speaking skills, and script method assists to develop all the skills of language learning like listening, reading, writing and speaking.

Bangla Language Program
for Adults




Monday – Friday:  PST: 8:30 am to 9:00 pm
Class Duration: Upon Discussion

Basic Level Courses
Three modules designed in script method:
Script Step - I, II & III.

Three modules designed in phonetic method:
Phonetics Step - I, II & III. 


Mid Level Courses
Five modules designed in script method:
Grammar Vol. - I; Prose and Conversation Vol. - I;
Short Stories Vol. - I; Social, Cultural, Historical & Religious Issues Vol. - I and Day to day Bangladeshi Lifestyle.


Advanced Level Courses
Five modules designed in script method:
Grammar Vol. - II; Prose and Conversation Vol. - II;
Short Stories Vol. - II; Social, Cultural, Historical & Religious Issues Vol. - II and Bangla Newspaper Reading.

Bangla Language Program
for Kids




Week days (Monday – Friday):
PST: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Weekend (Saturday):

PST: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm


Class Duration
Option 1: Once a week, two hours per session
Option 2: Twice a week, one hour per session


Elementary Level
Course Duration - Three months (72 hours)
Module: I, II & III – Each module 24 hours


Intermediate Level
Course Duration - Six months (144 hours)
Module: I, II, III, IV, V & VI – Each module 24 hours


Advanced Level
Course Duration - Six months (144 hours)
Module: I, II, III, IV, V & VI – Each module 24 hours

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